Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Nori's a goner... 6 left

Nori was minding his own business, doing whatever he does while at work in the book store. He hadn't suspected his peaceful day would be interrupted like this. One of Nori's co-workers walked up to him earlier today and reportedly told him that one of his friends was waiting for him out front. Knowing that the game was on, and having been almost been assassinated earlier in the game, He was a little hesitant. Nori continued with his work, only turning to question his co-worker on the physique of his so-called "friend" out front. they responded "It's some weak looking asian kid"

Nori set down the adult book he was inspecting before he shelfed it and thought to himself: "Well dan is out of the game, I should be ok." He got up and took the book with him, making sure to put it some where safe so that he could return to it. Knowing he would be safe, Nori strolled boldly out of the adult book section he was in charge of in the back of the store and headed for the door. Nori was mistaken, it wasn't dan, but it was another weak Asian kid. Nori let down his guard and conversed with the weak Asian outside for awhile. Just then, Nori felt it in the air. Something was not right. At that moment, a large powerful arm snake around Nori's neck and held him fast. The barrel of a Nerf maverick slowly eased itself to his temple. "Any last words?" Sunada said menacingly as he loosened his grip to allow Nori to speak. Nori breathed deeply. He was done. Just before Nori could give his last words in broken english, the trigger clicked. Time slowed as the dart left the barrel. Nori braced himself. The dart struck its mark. Sunada instantly released Nori, allowing him to slump to the ground. Without even looking back, Sunada walked off into the parking lot and escaped the scene with screeching tires and burning rubber. The poor weak asian kid was left alone, standing there with a stunned Nori at his feet.

6 left guys. I think Sarah and Shiloh are the only girls who are out of state. Justine is still around though. That just leaves Sunada, The Great Jason Parks, and myself as the last guys standing.


somefobguy said...

dude, there's no adult book section!!!!! i was checking the stock for my boss!! don't make it sound like i'm a pervert, dude

Cory said...

lolol. I know Nori. Everyone else on here knows I am joking too.